Translation Service

Written Translations 

in English and French

1 - English <-> French (any type)

You can request translations from English into French AND from French into English for various types of texts. These can be for different target audiences. 

Examples may include but are not limited to, advertisements with informal language (slang or expressions), text directed at children, and correspondence for business settings. 

2 - English <-> French (social media posts) 

You can request translations from English into French AND from French into English for social media posts (for any platform). These can be for different target audiences, whether general or specific (e,g, teenagers or business people).

3 - English <-> French (blog posts)

You can request translations from English into French AND from French into English for blog posts of various lengths. Your blog can cover any topic (personal blog, selling services) and for various target audiences.

4 - Spanish > English/French

You can request short texts, social media posts or blog posts to be translated from Spanish into English. 

AI-translated Text Review (in Eng., Fr., or Sp.)

Have you entered text into Artificial Intelligence (AI) software and translated it into English, French or Spanish? Select this service to ensure that the resulting text is written in the intended tone, uses the correct vocabulary for the target audience, and flows well. I can review and comment on texts translated from any language into English, French or Spanish.

Please note that prices start at $20 USD, but vary depending on the length and complexity (according to the target audience) of the text. You must first request the service and send me a message using one of the two forms below.  

Request Translation Services

Fill out this form to request a service as listed and described above.

Require something different translated? Send a manual request below (for translations across English, French, and Spanish)!

Sana, based in Canada - Thank you for visiting my website!
January 2023 | June 2023 | December 2023 - Beta Version
I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider spreading the word about the "Language Lounge"! 
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