English Sessions

Private 1-on-1 & Small Group (4 max.)

Descriptions and

Examples of Sessions

Thematic Practice


  • 4 people max - 40 minutes - $18 USD
  • 1 person - 45-60 minutes - $24 USD

We will practice grammar with several exercises, written and oral. For example, we could practice pronunciation, verb tenses, prepositions... or any other rule you want to review and improve!

These sessions give you many opportunities to practice and get direct feedback from me. These classes are also perfect if you're looking for a different way to study... often, changing your learning strategy helps improve your understanding and application of rules!

Speaking Practice


  • 4 people max - 40 minutes - $18 USD
  • 1 person - 45-60 minutes - $24 USD

This is a perfect opportunity to practice speaking, especially if you would like to review specific vocabulary (such as workplace or travel-related words and phrases). We may also cover some grammar rules or review the meaning of specific English expressions if they come up.

You will have many opportunities to practice speaking, and you will receive instant feedback from me... of course only as it is needed!


Or anything else you would like to practice and in the style you prefer. We could focus on anything from your writing skills to revising for an upcoming exam!

How to Book Sessions

To book a small group (4 people maximum) or 1-on-1 session please contact me FIRST, so that we can schedule a date and time. 

You will then purchase your desired session through the link below (calendar icon), though my Ko-Fi shop. Please read the description and follow the steps given there. Finally, you will receive a link from me by email to join the virtual session (held on Zoho Meetings).

Skyline, NYC, New York, USA

If you run into any issues when booking, please send me a message using this contact form. 

by Sana, based in Canada - Thank you for visiting my website!
Jan. 2023 - Dec. 2024  (Beta Version)
I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider spreading the word about the "Language Lounge"! 
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