Hi, I'm Sana. Welcome! 

I started giving language tutorials on Duolingo in the summer of 2021 because I have a passion for learning languages and discovering other cultures by meeting new people. 

I speak English and French fluently and my Spanish is relatively advanced. I am currently learning Italian, Mandarin and Russian but there are many more languages and cultures I would like to explore (Arabic is high on the list!). 

Through this new platform I hope to continue to help learners worldwide learn English and French, and hopefully reach more people. My goal is to create a casual and friendly atmosphere where we can learn from each other and grow together... hence the name "Language Lounge"!

P.S. Curious about the use of orange around here?  From Ancient Greek muses to Buddhist monks, the orange colour has always been highly valued. Among other things, orange can symbolise new beginnings, positive energy, and adventure... all great things to keep in mind when learning a language!

by Sana, based in Canada - Thank you for visiting my website!
Jan. 2023 - Dec. 2024  (Beta Version)
I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider spreading the word about the "Language Lounge"! 
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