By Sana

Welcome! Bienvenue!
The Language Lounge is a friendly, relaxed virtual lounge where you can improve your English and French skills. I offer 'sessions' for people learning French or English, in which you can suggest the topic (eg. verbs, travel vocabulary) and style (eg. speaking practice, exam review).
Although I am offering a language tutoring service, I don't love the term classes. Classes usually involve rigid structures, rules, and (gasp) homework. That is not my goal here. That's why I offer 'sessions'!
Scroll down to learn more about the "Language Lounge"!
Or scroll to the bottom to book a 'session' now!
If you participated in my Duolingo Classes....
What's different?
You were probably familiar with my "Pratique Éclaire" (paid) and "Pause Café" (free) events. While creating my own platform, I wanted to retain the relaxed and supportive atmosphere we fostered at Duolingo. Hence the name, "Language Lounge"...
"a lounge: (noun) a public space...in which to sit and relax."
To me, 'a lounge' is somewhere one feels relaxed and comfortable and where interesting conversations occur. That is precisely the goal of the "Language Lounge"! I want everyone to feel comfortable, and I hope to help you learn English or French in a unique and fun way.
So, if you are joining from Duolingo - welcome back and thank you for your continued support. I look forward to continuing to help you all to reach your language learning goals!

What kind of 'Sessions' are there?

English and French
Virtual Sessions
I am currently offering virtual sessions, in which you have full control over what you would like to cover or talk about.
Here are examples of the sessions you could request:
- Pratique Thématque en Français (ex. les verbes au passé, ou le vocabulaire de voyage)
- Pratique Orale en Français
- English Thematic Practice (eg. verbs, or travel vocabulary)
- English Speaking Practice
- ... or anything else you want to practice!